Batarelo Dvojković Vuchetich (BDV) joins SELA
BDV officially joined SELA on 9 March 2022.
BDV was selected as the new SELA member for Croatia. Our team shares the same values and goals as SELA and will therefore add significant value to the network. Selection process was taken among the very best law firms in the country.
SELA is a regional network of independent law firms advising clients on their operations across South East Europe. The alliance members are among the top firms in their jurisdictions, providing the full range of legal and business services to local and international businesses. Formally launched in October 2016, SELA was conceived and co-founded by reputable law firms Bojović & Partners of Serbia / Montenegro, Dimitrijević & Partners of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Žurić i Partneri of Croatia and was joined by Apostolska & Partners of North Macedonia in November 2016, Kirm Perpar of Slovenia in February 2017, Dimitrov, Petrov & Co. of Bulgaria in September 2017 and by Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha of Albania in April 2018.
The international and commercial approach of the alliance ensures that clients receive first-rate representation and a consistent level of professionalism across the region. To sustain this, each of the member firms shares a common established protocol focused on integrity, teamwork, excellence and trust which guarantees a consistent standard of excellence that is offered by all of the member firms. BDV is looking forward to our cooperation and to further helping our clients across South East Europe.
More information can be found at the following link: