The first Croatian case ever brought before the #ECJ in tax proceedings
We are pleased to announce that #BDV team, led by partner Vladimir Ante Batarelo and attorney at law Tomislav Sadrić, represented a client at a hearing held before #ECJ, in what is considered to be the first Croatian case ever brought before the #ECJ in tax proceedings. The hearing was held upon the Administrative Court’s request for preliminary ruling in VAT-related case where the ECJ was asked to clarify the scope and application of Art 135/1 (b) and (d) VAT Directive in relation to the services carried our by Croatian company.
This proceeding represents a significant leap forward in tax controversy matters in Croatia. We hope this will be an example for further request submissions for preliminary rulings in tax cases – contributing to deeper implementation of EU Law in tax related cases.
We look forward to further such experiences!
* photography source: G. Fessy © CJUE (Court of Justice of the European Union)