The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 rankings

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BDV proudly shares its recognition in The Legal 500 (Legalease) EMEA 2023 rankings as TIER 1 firm.

The Legal 500 analyses the capabilities of law firms across the world, with a comprehensive research programme revised and updated every year to bring the most up-to-date vision of the global legal market.

BDV has been recognized across 5 categories: (i) Commercial, Corporate and M&A, (ii) Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, (iii) Dispute Resolution, (iv) EU and Competition, and (v) Real Estate and Construction.

Legalease highlights the BDV team as “responsive, efficient, and knowledgeable” … “composed of highly competent and resourceful young professionals, with a wealth of experience in handling complex and challenging matters”. BDV tax department received special praise for its “tax structuring expertise” (Commercial, Corporate and M&A) and “tax controversy” mandates (Dispute Resolution).

Legal 500 also recognized all BDV partners individually:

Laurenz W. Vuchetich as “contact for M&A work”…“eloquent, thorough, reasonable and very pleasant to work with”, Ivan Dvojkovic as “very calm and objective, even in the most stressful situations” and “contact on both the buy and sell-side of M&A transactions”, and Vladimir A. Batarelo as “talented, excellent and trustworthy lawyer” who “provides additional value to clients by dint of his tax structuring expertise”.

Marko Bohaček is praised as a Rising Star and is recognized for his exceptional work in Banking, Finance and Capital Markets.

Tomislav Sadrić is recognized alongside Laurenz Vuchetich for his pivotal experience in Real Estate and Construction and highlighted for “abundant knowledge and experience in real estate-related matters”. Additionally, Tomislav is recognized in the EU and Competition, alongside Ivan Dvojković.

BDV has also proven its expertise by being recognized in Dispute Resolution, regarded as an “experienced and knowledgeable team”.

We thank our clients for entrusting us with their complex mandates.

Detailed information about the rankings can be found at the following link:

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